Initiated by Stoke-on-Trent council, a geothermal doublet is proposed for a region in the Etruria Valley on the northern side of the city of Stoke-on-Trent, England. The doublet shall supply heat to a district heating network which will be constructed and owned by the council.
The geothermal wells will be privately developed by GT Energy with the backing of a number of private investors.
Feasibility Study
A detailed geological model was compiled as part of a feasibility study including the interpretation of existing geological and historical seismic reflection data. The area around Etruria Valley was identified as being one of the most promising sites in the UK for harnessing deep geothermal heat resources.
Seismic Survey & Geological Model
To supplement the data from the feasibility study, a new survey was required. The Stoke-on-Trent City Council awarded GT Energy UK Ltd, in partnership with Tesla Exploration Ltd and ERDWERK GmbH a contract to complete 20 km of 2D seismic reflection for the purpose of imaging deep geothermal reservoirs below the city. The survey was carried out in 2016.
The project included the completion of a detailed model of the area which was used as the basis for developing the well path, well design and drilling program.
Well Design and Drilling Program
The two wells are proposed to be drilled to a maximum depth of approximately 3,800 m into a carboniferous formation and deliver thermal water with a temperature of approximately 95 °C.
Further Support
Following the completion of the well design and drilling program, ERDWERK GmbH will continue to work together with GT Energy for the tender and drilling execution phase of the project.
53.002666, -2.179398
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