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Due Diligence & Second Opinion

ERDWERK supports investors acting as an independent consultant, providing due diligence services. Regardless of whether there are already concrete investment strategies or if they are still in the phase of planning – ERDWERK is able, through extensive experience with deep geothermal projects, to create risk analyses covering geology, geothermal energy, hydrogeology and drilling technology. The risk analyses can provide an assessment for the drilling, commissioning and production phases of a project. Thus, we provide decision guidance for or against your investment. For the purpose of such work we compile and evaluate existing project documents and provide our results together in a final report.

In addition, ERDWERK provides independent advisory second opinion concerning geology, hydrogeology, seismicity, drilling technology and geothermal energy.


Workshops & Capacity Building

ERDWERK supports clients in realizing geothermal projects by optimizing workflows with best practice strategies, both on a local (Germany) and international level. We consider workshops key as either as part of a capacity building or as a platform for exchange of experience and knowledge concerning the various topics and phases of a geothermal project. Frequently covered subjects are for example project management and risk mitigation, but also technical issues like the drilling process and modelling of the reservoir are of great importance. Recent examples of ERDWERK ’s experience includes the following:

Hosting a workshop in Tanzania for a world bank project “Capacity Building for Tanzania Geothermal Development”. The agenda included modules regarding financing, project management, preparing of approvals, contract structure possibilities and specifications.

In addition, workshops have also been undertaken in Switzerland with the subject “high temperature aquifer storage” (HTAS) and in Munich titled “Can every geothermal well be successful?”. The latter provided a summary of the lessons learned in the past 15 years from geothermal wells in the south German molasse basin.

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