Ground-breaking ceremony for the new geothermal wells at the Laufzorn II site
After the first heating and electricity power plant of Erdwärme Grünwald has been in operation since 2011, the 100% subsidiary of the municipality of Grünwald is now getting ready to drill another 4 wells to meet the municipality's increased demand for geothermal heat. The development target is the thermal waters of the Malm at a depth of 3,500 to 4,000 m, where temperatures of around 130 °C are expected.
The main operating plan for the construction of the drilling site and the drilling of the boreholes was approved by the South Bavarian Mining Authority in September 2024. After the services for the construction of the drilling site and the boreholes were awarded to H. Anger's Söhne Bohr- und Brunnenbauges. mbH as general contractor in October, preparations for the construction of the drilling site began immediately. Drilling of the wells, some of which are over 5,000 m long, is scheduled to start in April 2025.
ERDWERK has been consulting the project since 2022, including with the thermal-hydraulic simulation, detailed planning of the boreholes and support for the mining permit and tender, and has now been awarded the contract for the geological and drilling engineering support of the drilling work with the function of client representative.
The link to the website of the executing company, Erdwärme Grünwald II GmbH & Co. KG, can be found here.