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Project Description

What would a spa be without thermal water? In order to cover the increasing thermal water demand of the thermal spa in Bad Wörishofen, it was decided in 2004 to drill another thermal water well next to the existing thermal spa.

This was to supplement the GT1 well drilled in 1999, which until then had supplied the local spa with thermal water and heat from the base sandstone of the Upper Sea Molasse from a depth of approx. 1,000 m.

For this reason, the Wör GT2 well was drilled vertically to a depth of approx. 2,600 m into the Malm aquifer in 2005 by the Hessian drilling company H. Anger's Söhne, which acted as general contractor.

Subsequent pump tests on the well in the course of various test phases were able to confirm a sustainable thermal water supply of up to approx. 10 liters. The well thus met the requirements for balneological use, but the production rates were too low for geothermal use.

Further Operation

The local geothermal conditions turned out to be very positive: even with a relatively low flow rate in the order of 5 l/s, a temperature of approx. 84 °C could be reached at the wellhead. This temperature is thus well above the expected temperature.

Unfortunately, the borehole could not start its originally planned regular operation to supply the thermal spa with thermal water, because the malmwater had an unfavorable hydrochemical composition and so far, no economic technical solution for the treatment of the water could be found.

The GT2 well has now been shut down and was permanently dismantled (backfilled) at the end of 2021.

ERDWERK has been supporting the project since the beginning of the drilling work for Wör GT2 and has continuously supported the Stadtwerke Bad Wörishofen, particularly in technical drilling, (hydro)geological and permitting issues, right through to the final backfilling of the well.

Stadtwerke Bad Wörishofen (german)

84 °C
2,600 m TVD
Stadtwerke Bad Wörishofen

48.02092, 10.589659999

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