MTU Aero Engines AG geothermal project in Munich successfully completed
MTU Aero Engines AG geothermal project in Munich successfully completed on schedule
Work on the second geothermal well drilled for MTU Aero Engines AG's geothermal energy project in Munich, which began in mid-April 2024, has been successfully completed.
The Allach Th2 well was deviated to the north and reached a final depth of 3,104 m MD (2,110 m TVD).
Based on the short-term pumping tests of the past two weeks with a production rate of approx. 100 l/s at a very low pressure drop and a temperature of over 70°C, the productivity expectation for the Allach Th2 well was also confirmed. Like the Allach Th1 well, the Allach Th2 well is one of the best Malm wells in the Molasse Basin from a hydraulic point of view.
In the coming days, the last final work will be carried out and then the drilling rig will be demobilised. The target schedule of six months for the construction of the doublet was easily met.
ERDWERK would like to thank all the companies involved in the drilling and testing work for their excellent and successful co-operation and wishes the client, MTU Aero Engines AG, all the best and "Glückauf!" for the operation of their geothermal plant.
Further information from MTU Aero Engines AG on their geothermal energy project can be found here: (https://www.mtu.de/geothermie)