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08 Dec
Sparker SLS 1

Sparker Measurements executed for Project Schäftlarnstrasse 

  • Posted byerdwerk
  • Комментарии

At the end of November 2020 the SWM carried out Sparker Measurements down to a depth of 1,200 m in one of the geothermal wells from the project Schäftlarnstrasse, as part of the INSIDE project. The aim of the measurements is to improve the understanding of the subsurface. This will be achieved through acoustic waves, triggered via the Sparker and recorded via the DAS fiber optic cable (part of the Geothermal Alliance Bavaria project) permanently installed in a neighbouring well.
ERDWERK was involved in the planning of the measurements, which are new for the geothermal sector, and was part of the supervising team during the measurements. The recorded data will be processed by the INSIDE project partner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and will be harmonized with the reservoir models of ERDWERK. From the results of the measurement (with 50% of the funding from the BMWi) the SWM wants to derive valuable findings for the operational safety of Germany's largest geothermal plant to date and other future plants. As a result, the direct sparsity measurements from well to well are to be used to determine more precisely the velocity field and layer structures around the borehole. This will allow conclusions to be drawn about the origin and mechanism of events. 
We would like to thank the SWM and the service companies for the high quality and smooth work, despite challenging conditions brought about by an international team and the corona situation.

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