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Vinzel en automne

Vinzel | Switzerland



The Energeô geothermal project near Vinzel on Lake Geneva in French-speaking Switzerland was launched in 2006. Its aim is to supply private households and industry in the surrounding area with heat in the form of hot thermal water. The nearby town of Gland, in which a district heating network already exists as part of a new ecological district, should be the first to benefit. If this pilot project is successful, further projects in the region and a further expansion of the district heating network in the region will take place.

Project History

A pilot study began in 2008 to determine the depth of potential reservoir units and the associated underground water temperature.

Starting in 2009, a large-scale feasibility study used both historical data from the region and newly acquired data sets to better assess the geothermal potential of the region.

- Investigation of the subsurface using new 2D seismic techniques and the creation of a 3D layer model of the subsurface.

- More detailed investigation of the target layers in Malm, Dogger, Muschelkalk and Karbon at a depth between 1 km and > 5 km.

Planning Phase

The planning phase commenced in 2013 with further geological and hydrogeological studies in the region. The Vinzel site near Gland was be selected from four possible sites for a first geothermal plant. A geothermal doublet is to pump thermal water from a depth of over 2000 m (geol. Dogger).

- Regional and local structural geological model of the subsoil

- Target definition and first detailed drilling plan

ERDWERK GmbH has been supporting the project since 2013 in all aspects of drilling planning, from the tendering process to drilling site construction and well design.


EnergeÔ Vinzel (french)

83 °C (approx.)
2200 m TVD (planned)
EnergeÔ SA
Under Construction

46.441804, 6.284795

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